Our working approach pulls from the philosophy of the Movement Generations’ Model “Strategy Framework for a Just Transition.” Our role is one that will utilize our intention, energy, and expertise to transition our communities into a Regenerative Economy. 

Donations to Ground Truths Network support our mission to build intentional allyships to host/activate/elevate the needed regenerative work that is needed at this time! We will work to uplift our conversations, awareness, justice-based policy, and the accessibility to sustainable resources.

As a community-based network program with a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor Social Good Fund, all donations to Ground Truths Network are tax-deductible.

The collaborations Yolanda has aligned with over the past ten years are with those whose work is grounded and meaningful in addressing the varied mobility-justice, social and environmental issues, such as:

Over the past ten years, the majority of advocacy work Yolanda has executed has been community service on her part, aka volunteerism. Moving forward the goal of Ground Truths Network is to gain collective financial support and allyship to grow this model of caring, justice building, and community sustainability. Click here to view Yolanda’s Community Service Work Timeline – your donations will play a vital role in sustaining these grassroots actions!

Grassroots advocacy aimed at improving pedestrian safety in our communities of color is crucial due to the rise of traffic congestion in metropolitan cities. For decades our community’s infrastructure needs and advocacy work have not been acknowledged on the justice-based level it should, nor equitably funded.

Intentional projects:

Safe Routes to School & Pedestrian Advocacy at New LA Charter

Listening and acting upon the social needs (mutual aid, resources, aligned support and uplifting) of our community constituents of color must be improved upon – our government can’t do it all. We must develop and evolve into new processes of Care and Sustaining Humanity!

Intentional projects:

Unsanitary Spaces and Bus Shelters in West Adams – July 2019

Educating our youth and community about safe and environmentally friendly mobility block by block, neighborhood by neighborhood – matters! There are limited funds and grants to evolved this most needed education and outreach campaigns.

Intentional projects:

Bike Clinics in Los Angeles Prize the Future of Los Angeles – 2016

Evolving Our Lives and Purpose in Our Communities of Color

The role of utilizing our energy and expertise to transition our communities into a Regenerative Economy is one that has to be brave, intentional, and healing. This process requires we chart new territory, and it too requires support from our like-minded allies.

Intentional projects:

Co-Creating Pedestrian & COVID-19 Safety Practices in Communities of Color

Creating Grassroots Bicycle Advocacy by and for Women – 2019

We The People: BLACK LIVES ROLL’EN! has been a pilot virtual conversation series launched July 2020, that brings attention to Black Lives bicycling at the intersection of justice-based issues, personal hurdles, and evolved victories! This podcast has been generously donated by our Host and friend – Bike Talk. We are interested in evolving this effort and are looking for allies to support this effort.

Storytelling and narrative digging about our history and mobility in America are vital to the sustainability of our BIPOC cultures. Intentional research must happen so that we can acknowledge, engage and commune on these truths. In the process, we also heal and are able to pass it on to future generations.

Intentional projects:

Legacies of the Street: Seeking Mobility Justice in the West Adams and Mid-City Communities

The Untold History of Bicycles